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The town of Tiburon is located on the peninsula, which reaches south into San Francisco Bay. It's a small city with its own unique identity and history; however it still retains some things from bigger cities like Belvedere that make up part of what makes this area so great!
Tiburon is a tiny town surrounded by nature and beauty. The peninsula has rich history that can be seen in many places, like Belvedere or Paradise Cay where farming was first recorded here over 200 years ago!
The Tiburon Thrift Shop is a great place for the community to recycle and get good deals on quality things. Support the recycling of clothing, housewares, books, and other gently worn goods to save the environment. To keep the shelves stocked, we depend only on contributions. The Tiburon Thrift Shop will assist you with everything from outfitting your first apartment to conducting your yearly spring cleaning.
Source: Wikipedia